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Autographed letter from French Children’s books author, man of letters, Louis Ratisbonne in 1894. It is a short charming story about a hat. Dated 24 Mai 1984

Original hand written letter in French. Small pencil mark in upper left corner "13" & "Louis Ratisbonne" written on the back- see photos.

Louis Ratisbonne's most important work was a verse translation of the La Divina Commedia (The Divine Comedy), in which the original is rendered tercet by tercet into French. L'Enfer (1852) was crowned by the Academy; Le Purgatoire (1857) and Le Paradis 1859) received the prix Bordin.
He is also the author of some charming fables and verses for children: La Comédie enfantine (1860), Les Figures jeunes (1865) and others. He was literary executor of Alfred de Vigny, whose Destinées (1864) and Journal d'un poète (1867) he published.




Louis Ratisbonne 1894 AUTOGRAPHED LETTER in French

SKU: 362899115878
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