Published by The Universal Photo Art Co.C.H. Graves Publisher, Philadelphia, USAAntique 1900's Stereoview "Bye, Bye, Papa" CUTE BABY IN THE WINDOWCarlton H. Graves started producing stereoviews in Philadelphia around 1880. All Graves Philippine stereoviews were published under the brand name Universal Photo Art Company. The company was active from about 1895 to 1910, after which the negatives were sold to Underwood and Underwood, and presumably went from there to Keystone with the rest of the Underwood stock.Graves published a catalog of about 1600 views, which included a set of 100 Philippines views numbered from 8901 to 9000. Some views were separately published with numbers 1 to 100, which correspond to the range 8901 to 9000 of the catalog. Some were published without number, mostly with captions identical to the numbered views. All views in the set are on light gray curved mount with a typical blind-stamp impression of the publisher's name, address and logo. Graves used a platinum-process printing method and labeled some of the views The Art Nouveau (Platino) Stereograph. The 100-view set depicts the daily life of Filipinos and Manila street scenes. The captions are short and factual.
Antique 1900's Stereoview "Bye, Bye, Papa" CUTE BABY IN THE WINDOW
SKU: 153932549362
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